Use Automatic Instantiation wizard to instantiate any typical structure of UPDM architecture automatically.

To open the Automatic Instantiation wizard

  1. Select any number of instantiable UPDM elements and right-click them.
  2. On the shortcut menu, choose Tools > Create Instance.
    The Automatic Instantiation wizard opens.

To instantiate the proposed typical structure

  1. Select all typical classes you want to instantiate in a diagram pane or in the Model Browser.

  2. Right-click on the selected typical UPDM elements and select Tools > Create Instance. 

  3. Follow the steps of the Automatic Instantiation wizard.

  4. Click Finish when you are done.
    A new OV-4 Actual diagram is created.

For instantiable UPDM elements corresponding actual elements are created. For example, by instantiating Organization results in Actual Organization and etc. For all other structural elements UML Instance Specifications are created.


Typical UPDM element

Actual UPDM element

Project Type

Project (DoDAF), Actual Project (MODAF / NAF)

Project Milestone

Actual Project Milestone

Project Theme

Project Status

Project Milestone Role

Actual Project Milestone Role


Actual Organization

Organization Type


Sub Organization (Resource Role typed by and owned by Organization Type (DoDAF) or

Organization (MODAF / NAF))

Actual Organization Role

Person Type

Individual Person Role


Actual Post

Post Role (Resource Role typed by Person Type (DoDAF) or

Post (MODAF / NAF) and owned by Organization Type (DoDAF)

or Organization (MODAF / NAF)).

Actual Organization Role

PersonActual Person
Measurement SetActual Measurement Set
Measure TypeMeasure
MeasurementActual Measurement
Geo Political Extent TypeGeo Political Extent
Location TypeActual Location
LocationActual Location

Capability Configuration

Fielded Capability



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