The Diagram Creation Wizard is used to create the following diagrams:


The name of this wizard depends on particular diagram name: <diagram name> Creation Wizard:

  • CV-3 Creation Wizard
  • PV-2 Creation Wizard
  • AcV-2 Creation Wizard
  • StV-3 Creation Wizard
  • NPV-1 Creation Wizard
  • NCV-5 Creation Wizard
  • Lr Lines of Development Creation Wizard
  • Cr Capability Roadmap Creation Wizard

To open the Diagram Creation Wizard

  1. Right-click the <view name> Package and select Create Diagram > <diagram name>.
    The Diagram  Creation Wizard opens.

The wizard consists of three steps:

  1. Name and owning package specification.

    In this step, you can specify the diagram name and select or create the owning package. If you want to create a new owning package, use the Create Owner button. Also, you can clone an existing package by clicking the Clone button.

    Specifying name and owning package in CV-3 Creation Wizard

  2. Capability selection.

    In this step, you can select Capabilities from the list.

    Selecting Capabilities in CV-3 Creation Wizard


    Selects a Capability.

    Alternatively, double-click the Capability.

    RemoveRemoves a Capability.
    Remove AllRemoves all Capabilities.
  3. The chart property setting.

     In this step, you can set the display style of the chart.

    Setting the chart properties in CV-3 Creation Wizard

If you do not wish to use the this wizard next time, clear the Show the wizard next time, when I create <diagram name> check box.

To restore the usage of the Diagram  Creation Wizard

  1. Select Options > Environment.
  2. In the Environment Options dialog select the UPDM options group.
  3. In the General properties, set the Show PV-2/AcV-2/NPV-1 Creation Wizard each Time Creating New Chart property value to true.