To share ideas more quickly and efficiently, you can open and work with a project in Cameo Collaborator without publishing it. This enables you to add content to the project in a wiki form, which can later be used to build a model. After opening a project in Cameo Collaborator, you will see a document-like environment, where you can create new sections and paragraphs, or add media, just like you would in a Cameo Collaborator document). However, you do not create a new document, instead, all the created content is added to the project.


To open a project in Cameo Collaborator, the Document View Collaborator Profile must be used in that project. For more information, see Using other projects in a project.

To work with a project in Cameo Collaborator

  1. Go to the Resources application and navigate to the project you want to open.
  2. Click on the right side of the project line and select Open in Collaborator. When the project opens, you will see an empty document, like the one displayed below.

  3. Do the following to add new content to the project:
  4. Commit changes to the server.

When you finish adding content and open the project in a modeling tool, you will find the new content under the Package with the «CollaboratorDocument» stereotype as shown below.

The content added to the project via Cameo Collaborator.