A Custom tool is a template library written in Java to encapsulate functions in context. The Custom tool, see figure below, is extended from the report API. The tool can be used to develop custom context properties that are presentation centric or that can take advantage of the existing ‘tool’ extensions or by document authors familiar with Java.
Report Wizard uses the word 'tool' meaning an object encapsulating dynamic functions on the JavaBean. A tool is a "carrier" of data between the Java and template layers. In other words, the tool simplifies template development and maintenance.

Custom tool API Structure
Context Name
A Context name is a name for variables or references in the template. Report Wizard uses the Velocity Template Language (VTL) as a standard syntax for the template. VTL uses “$” as a leading character followed by an identifier for the variable.
For example:
$UseCase $foo.name
Context Object
A Context object is a Java Object representing a variable. A Context object is modeled on the JavaBean specifications defined by Sun Microsystems.
For example, if a String represents the variable $foo.name in context, the value of the String will be printed out in the output report as follows.
Foo Name