To troubleshoot this issue, we will need the program’s log files (located in the install directory of your tool). Additional information might be required about the Java environment on which our modeling tools are based. The information we need is called the “heapdump” and can be obtained using the Java VisualVM program.

Please read and follow this procedure to install Java VisualVM and send this data to us (while the tool is running):

  1. Download and install the Java VisualVM with Java SE Development Kit (JDK, valid till version 1.8or separately from, if you do not have it.
  2. Start Task Manager or another appropriate tool depending on your OS.
  3. Start Java VisualVM. If you have selected the default location on the JDK installation process, VisualVm is located in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk<version number>\bin\ jvisualvm.exe. Otherwise, start the jvisualvm.exe from your custom location.
  4. In the Task Manager or other program according to your OS, find the PID (Process Identifier) of your modeling tool.
  5. In the Java VisualVM, find the Java process by the modeling tool PID and double-click to open it.
  6. Right-click the Java process and, from the shortcut menu, select Heap Dump. The heapdump file creates under your process.
  7. Save the heapdump file. Right-click the heapdump and, on the shortcut menu, click Save As.
  8. Register an issue and sent the saved *.hprof file for investigation. For this, on the main menu of your modeling tool, click Help > Report an Issue