Hyperlinked elements or diagrams allow you to quickly navigate through the model, to other resources, or between them. If an element or diagram refers to the active hyperlink, you can access that content by double clicking an element or an entire diagram. You can add all types of hyperlinks on elements and diagrams.
Adding a hyperlink on an element or entire diagram
To add a hyperlink on an element or entire diagram
- Select the element or diagram.
- Do one of the following:
Click the smart manipulator Manage Navigation.
Go To >Open the Specification window, choose the Navigation/Hyperlinks property group, and click the Add button.
From the shortcut menu, choose Go To > Manage Navigation.
In the Edit Hyperlink dialog, select a tab according to the hyperlink type you want to insert.
Specify the boxes and options according to the selected tab.
The meaning of boxes and options of each tab is described in the following pages:
- Address tab.
- File tab.
- Element/Symbol tab.
- Report tab.
- Validation tab.
- Model Wizard tab.
- Model Transformation tab.
- Visualizer Wizard tab.
- OSLC Link tab.The Text to display box does not exist in the Edit Hyperlink dialog.
Select the Active check box to activate the hyperlink.
Only one hyperlink can be active. By default the last added hyperlink is active.
Click OK.
The hyperlink is added on the selected element or diagram. In the Model Browser, you will see the Hyperlinks/Go To icon on the element. On the diagram pane, on the symbol, you will see the icon representing the subject the hyperlink is added to. You can instantly open a hyperlink by double clicking an element or diagram.
You can manage hyperlinks on an element and diagram in the Manage Hyperlinks dialog.